

E_01_CH05The cycle track PC2 Lux­em­bourg-Echter­nach which cross­es Ern­ster fol­lows the ways of the “Char­ly”, a nar­row way train (1 m) that linked up the city of Echter­nach with the capital.

Before the build­ing of the “Char­ly”, the com­mu­ni­ca­tion between the vil­lages and the city of Lux­em­bourg was rather dif­fi­cult. That is why the vil­lagers took the hard way across the wood of Grünewald only for par­tic­u­lar occa­sions, as for exam­ple for the pil­grim­age of N.D. in Luxembourg.

E_01_CH02In 1892, fore­grounds for the build­ing of a train with nar­row way link­ing up Lux­em­bourg and Echter­nach were raised. In 1896, a project of a law for the build­ing of a rail­way line was vot­ed for 45,849 km in length. Con­struc­tion could there­fore begin in March, 1900. Its build­ing cost 4.120.0000 francs, for that epoch a colos­sal sum, and which, at the begin­ning was worth it the nick­name “Mil­lioune Bunn”.E_01_CH03 His final name of “Char­ly” comes from Charles Rischard, who at the time of unveil­ing was man­ag­ing direc­tor of trans­port. In the munic­i­pal­i­ty of Nieder­an­ven, only the vil­lages of Sen­ninger­berg, Hostert and Ern­ster were on the line of the “Char­ly”.

The vil­lages of Sen­ninger­berg and Hostert had each a rail­way sta­tion, while in Ern­ster a sim­ple pan­el marked the stop­ping of the train. E_01_CH01In the ages of cri­sis of the begin­ning of the 20th cen­tu­ry, the con­struc­tion work of “Char­ly” gave to the vil­lagers job and sub­sis­tence. Even after the com­ple­tion of the con­struc­tion and the bring­ing into ser­vice of the line on April 20th, 1904, the train “Char­ly” gave to peo­ple jobs as employ­ees or rail­way work­ers or allowed them to accept a job in the city. Besides that, the peas­ants had final­ly the pos­si­bil­i­ty of going to Lux­em­bourg city to sell their prod­ucts on the mar­ket. Poor peo­ple could round off their month­ly salary by plant­i­ng fruit trees and by sell­ing the har­vest dur­ing win­ter months on the mar­ket in the city and the region was renowned for its arboriculture.

E_01_CH04In spite of his not very com­fort­able wag­ons and his slow­ness (speed not exceed­ing 25 km/h) “Char­ly” could earn quick­ly the sym­pa­thy of all the peo­ple. In spite of ini­tial devel­op­ment, this rail­way Roman­ti­cism declined from the mid­dle of the 20th cen­tu­ry. At the end of the for­ties the small train was replaced lit­tle by lit­tle with bus­es and on April 27th, 1957 “Char­ly” cir­cu­lat­ed for the last time towards Echter­nach. Short­ly after, the rails were tak­en off. Today, the cycle track Lux­em­bourg-Echter­nach fol­lows most­ly the ancient line of the “Char­ly”.
