Coming from the Champagne and from the Moselle, the humans of the stone age penetrated to this Luxemburg region rich in sandstone where ravines and caves offered them a secure protection.
On the northeast part of the Grünewald, at the border of the municipality of Niederanven, near the main road which connects Luxemburg with Echternach, on lands called “Waelen”, was a clearing populated by men since thousands of years. More than 1000 weapons and different other tools were found there, objects that hunters, fishermen or herdsmen of the stone age had left behind them in their houses or their camps.
In the years 1990–91, excavations of an ancient cemetery field showing several tumuli, in the locality “Staekaul”, near the ground of Hostert’s football pitch, allowed to find ceramic vases, bronze rings, ambre jewels and even a golden brooch. The archaeologists of the Luxembourg Museum date the found objects at the time of the Tène, between 400 and 500 years before Christ.