Resuscitated ruins.
After the destructions in 4‑th and 5‑th centuries by Germanic tribes and the Huns of king Attila, towards 450, from the 6‑th century Francs began to populate this devastated country. Out of the ruins of the gallo-Roman villages raised new villages with Germanic names. It was probably at this time when Senningen and Rameldange have been founded.
It is in 1176 when the place ” Hofsteden ” is mentioned for the first time. Hofstätte, Hofstelle or Hostert are typical names for places resulting from gallo-Roman ruins. Towards the year 1200, Ernster appears for the first time in a manuscript under the name of Erenze. The name Rameldange (or — ingen ) appears only much later. On the Anwen farm a sort of medieval peasant right was issued and there Rameldange is named for the first time in 1362.