The Court Anwen

Hof Anwen” — Niederanven from the 12-th to the 18-th century.

Hof Anwen”, con­sist­ing of Ober-and Nieder­an­ven, Hostert, Sen­nin­gen, Ramel­dan­ge and Ern­ster, is named in numer­ous hand­writ­ten doc­u­ments of the 12-th cen­tu­ry. One sup­pos­es that Franc kings were the first own­ers of the Hof Anwen.

Hof Anwen” had its own juris­dic­tion. The old lime tree in Hostert, which was about a thou­sand years old and had to be brought down in 1974, prob­a­bly has wit­nessed many (annu­al) fairs and numer­ous audi­ences of jus­tice. “Hof Anwen” was appre­ci­at­ed a lot by its var­i­ous own­ers as a place of sum­mer res­i­dence and hunting.

Even today in the vaults of Hostert’s chapel you can see the coats of arms of the ancient own­ers, name­ly the mar­quees of Bade. Since 1976, this most ancient build­ing of Nieder­an­ven has been clas­si­fied among the  “ancient memo­ri­als” of Luxembourg.

For a long time the parish of Hostert pro­found­ly respect­ed the mem­o­ry of the her­mit “Schet­zel”, who lived up to its death in a cave of the Grünewald.

It is to the Bene­dic­tine Jean Ber­tels ( 1544–1607 ), who became lat­er an abbot of Alt­mün­ster and Echter­nach, that Lux­em­burg owes an unique icono­graph­ic doc­u­men­ta­tion on vil­lages and on life of the old Lux­em­bourg’s inhab­i­tants. Two draw­ings of the abbot Ber­tels show Ober-and Nieder­an­ven, Sen­nin­gen and Schut­trange as well as Höhen­hof towards 1570.

First indi­ca­tions on the pop­u­la­tion of the “Hof Anwen” are giv­en in a state­ment of the homes of year 1473. There were then about 36 homes, what cor­re­spond­ed to about 250 inhab­i­tants. At the dawn of the 17-th cen­tu­ry, the plague and the “Thir­ty Years War” dec­i­mat­ed most of the pop­u­la­tion which, in 1658, did count no more than 2 1/2 homes.

The most ancient reli­gious build­ing of Nieder­an­ven was the chapel Ste Lucie. It was sit­u­at­ed near the feu­dal mill of Nieder­an­ven in the exit of the vil­lage towards Muns­bach. When in 1851 Nieder­an­ven’s new church was con­struct­ed the chapel Ste Lucie did no longer serve and decayed.

In 18-th cen­tu­ry Nieder­an­ven knew a devel­op­ment which found its high­light in the mid­dle of the 19-th cen­tu­ry. In 1722 the ser­vice of the mail dili­gences was estab­lished, relat­ing Brus­sels — Lux­em­burg which, in 1730 , was widened to Tri­er. From 1727 this net­work was paved. Nieder­an­ven became again what it had been at Roman time, name­ly a sta­tion of relay. One took tolls on bridges and roads. The head of the sta­tion, the sput­ters as well as the trav­ellers con­tributed to an increased activ­i­ty in the village.

The inn “A la Pomme d’Or” was the local of the beg­gars, oth­er inns were called “Au Cheval Blan ” and “An der Lom “. On the “Route de Trèves”, the phar­ma­cist Rademach­er even offered  baths of cure. Near 1750 he adver­tised for   “Nieder­an­ven-Les-Eaux ” and a wide tourist traf­fic began to develop.

The cur­rent munic­i­pal­i­ty of Nieder­an­ven with its var­i­ous vil­lages  was cre­at­ed in 1795, dur­ing the French Rev­o­lu­tion. On Octo­ber 9, 1804 numer­ous inhab­i­tants applaud­ed Napoléon Ier vis­it­ing Niederanven.