A walk through more than 1700 years of Niederanven’s history

At the bor­der of the Grünewald, on the Sen­ninger­berg side rich in sources, lays in a pic­turesque nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment, the rapid­ly grow­ing munic­i­pal­i­ty of Nieder­an­ven, rep­re­sent­ing the vil­lages of Nieder­an­ven, Ober­an­ven, Hostert, Ramel­dan­ge, Ern­ster, Sen­nin­gen, Sen­ninger­berg, Wald­hof and Staffel­ter. At the moment, Nieder­an­ven counts about 6100 inhab­i­tants. The pop­u­la­tion shows 81different nation­al­i­ties with a for­eign­ers’ per­cent­age of  about 48 %.

It is because of the numer­ous sources and of the pro­tect­ed site that Nieder­an­ven’s region has ever been pop­u­lat­ed since the most put off times.

If you are inter­est­ed in the his­to­ry of the munic­i­pal­i­ty of Nieder­an­ven, you can order or buy the  books on the most diverse his­toric sub­jects we pub­lished the last years at  the Town Hall of Nieder­an­ven. (p.s. the books are in Ger­man language)

Admin­is­tra­tion com­mu­nale de Niederanven
e-​mail: secretariat@niederanven.lu