Important elements of the drinking water supply.

The old “Water Castle” (elevated tank) in Senningerberg.

The “Widderhaus” in Hostert
Since 1914, the drinking water supply of Niederanven was guaranteed by the community distribution system. The first step consisted in gathering the waters of some local springs of Hostert, Senningen and Rameldange at a central place from where they had been transported to the tanks of the different localities. The distribution system of Niederanven included the villages of Senningen, Niederanven, Hostert, Rameldange, Oberanven, Ernster and Senningerberg and also the hamlets of Engelshof and Jägerhäusgen. Over the years a complicated and expanding network of in-between and additional conducts related the drinking water supply distribution of the different villages.

The water tank in the “Binnewé”.
The tank of Senningen-Niederanven could be easily supplied without the help of mechanical means, because of the favourable position of the sources. In Hostert however, where the sources can only be found on a much deeper underground level,the water had to be pumped to the higher located tank in the “Binnewé” with the help of a special pumping station, the “Widderhaus”.
Since 1973, the water supply for Hostert is guaranteed by the connection to the emergency tank of the SEBES (Société des Eaux du Barrage d’Esch-sur-Sûre).

The new water tank (called “mushroom”) in Senningerberg.
In 1936 the old pumping station had been replaced by a modern and larger electric one. Later in 1990, an even larger had been constructed near the entrance of the cemetery.