The old road of commerce



Already in Roman occu­pa­tion times, Nieder­an­ven was a town sit­u­at­ed at the impor­tant road con­nec­tion Arlon — Treves. It is sup­posed that Nieder­an­ven was famous for offer­ing accom­mo­da­tion to trav­ellers in these days. This path, fol­low­ing in the begin­ning the direc­tion of the road to Mens­dorf, slow­ly turned to a more north­ern direc­tion to end up as the RN1 nation­al road to Greven­mach­er today.

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On the route de Trèves there had been 9 pubs in 1900. The “Zum Gold­e­nen Apfel” where lazars could accom­mo­date for free, was a part of the stage coach sta­tion. The only inn that is left is the “Hostel­lerie de Nieder­an­ven”. All oth­ers had been trans­formed into pri­vate dwellings.

In 1697 the old road between Lux­em­bourg and Greven­mach­er had been restored, 1722 a dili­gence sta­tion had been added and in 1730 the road had been extend­ed up to Trèves. In 1727 the path from Brus­sels to Treves had been paved and Nieder­an­ven became a whis­tle stop, where cus­toms duty was levied. Only in 1824 the cus­toms sta­tions were abolished.

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The old “Café Lam­pach” has been trans­formed in 2015 into a Bank agency of the Banque et Caisse d’Epargne de l’Etat.

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Up to the fifties most of the pub­lic life hap­pened in the streets, just as it was usu­al to cel­e­brate feasts in the street

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The old inn “Klein-Dela­haye” is a pri­vate house today

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On the pic­ture on the bot­tom on the very right side you can see the old “Café Win­ter-Remakel” lat­er there was the “Hostel­lerie de Niederanven”.

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The local black­smith Ed Win­ter while repair­ing a coach wheel.

In the vil­lage con­stant­ly showed a very agile activ­i­ty as there were always many trav­ellers. This was very help­ful for the pro­lif­er­a­tion of local pubs and hos­tels (for exam­ple the “Au Cheval blanc” or the “An der Lomp”. The hos­tel “Zum gold­e­nen Apfel” had been the accom­mo­da­tion for the lazars or poor peo­ple, who could not or only pay very few for a night.There had been a reg­u­lar con­nec­tion with the cap­i­tal since 1841, when the stage coach ser­vice had been set up by the munic­i­pal­i­ty. The post­mas­ter and his coach­men did even dwell in the locality.

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Trans­port­ing milk with an ox truck around 1941.

When in 1861 the rail­way line Lux­em­bourg-Treves had been opened, the route de Trèves lost a bit of its impor­tance. In spite of many protests from influ­ent landown­ers against the con­struc­tion of this rail­way line, it had how­ev­er been put not far away from the Nieder­an­ven main road to Trèves.

The traf­fic at these times was quite small and only in the years around 1950, the horse wag­ons had only been replaced by cars and togeth­er with the gen­eral­mo­tori­sa­tion the local life, hap­pen­ing main­ly in the street these days, shift­ed slow­ly into the pri­vate hous­es. The con­struc­tion of the motor­way lat­er on did reduce con­sid­er­ably the traf­fic on the main road but still today many dri­vers use this nation­al road RN1 to avoid traf­fic prob­lems on the motorway.

03_NA_HS (12)Nieder­an­ven was sit­u­at­ed on the con­nec­tion road Treves-Lux­em­bourg City-Brus­sels. In the sta­bles of the car­riage sta­tion, reposed hors­es always wait­ed to be used to pull the heavy loads up the hill to Sen­ninger­berg. This sta­tion also had a work­shop for dili­gences, where the black­smith could repair the bro­ken wheels.

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The inn “Au Cheval Blanc”(176 route de Trèves, on the right side of the pic­ture) had been an hos­tel for wag­goner and hors­es until 1902.

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For the hay har­vest the farm­ers did use for very long times their work­ing hors­es. Only lat­er those had been replaced by tractors.

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Today the streets are con­struct­ed in favour of the car traffic.

