Local quarries


Once in this wood­land there had been an impor­tant quar­ry, whose traces are dif­fi­cult to find today. There the Lux­em­bourg Sand­stone had been worked for decen­cies. The gained stones were main­ly used for con­struc­tion pur­pos­es. Many build­ings are built with the stones of this quar­ry, like for exam­ple the church of Nieder­an­ven. Work­ing the sand­stones had been for a long time an impor­tant eco­nom­ic fac­tor of the com­mu­ni­ty. Many cit­i­zens found a job at that quarry.

This quar­ry in the woods had only been one of many in Sen­ninger­berg. Oth­er big quar­ries could be found in “Grom­scheed” or “Brédewues” for example.

The development of the quarries after their closure

After their clo­sure the many quar­ries devel­oped dif­fer­ent­ly. As the “Grom­scheed” quar­ry was lying very close to the cen­tre of Sen­ninger­berg, it has been used to con­struct pri­vate hous­es. The old quar­ry “Brédewues” is used today for stone conditioning.

When fine soil is fill­ing the rock cracks dif­fer­ent trees species with a pio­neer char­ac­ter, like for exam­ple the birch or the goat wil­low can quick­ly spread.

The quar­ry in the woods how­ev­er had no use any longer because of its sit­u­a­tion far from the hous­es and the dif­fi­cult ground con­di­tions. The local Cen­tre foresti­er uses the south­ern part of the quar­ry for storage.

The quarry as a biotope for fauna and flora.

Ferns, bryophytes and lichens are the first to cov­er the nude rocks and the small rock cracks.

The quar­ries with their nude rocks, rub­bish dumps and rocky sur­faces are rep­re­sent­ing a spe­cial biotope, cre­at­ed by men. Nat­ur­al formed rock for­ma­tions are very sel­dom in Lux­em­bourg and the arti­fi­cial­ly ones of these quar­ries often rep­re­sent the only liv­ing space for typ­i­cal ani­mal and veg­e­ta­tion species.

The yel­low bel­lied toad finds its liv­ing space in small pools.

The nat­ur­al char­ac­ter­is­tics there did change with the years and the sun­ny side nude rocks did attract those species, spe­cialised in sup­port­ing impor­tant tem­per­a­ture and light fluc­tu­a­tions. Insects and lizards, adapt­ing their body tem­per­a­ture to the out­er envi­ron­ment, did start to pop­u­late the site and lit­tle ponds and pools became a vital space for rare amphib­ians as for exam­ple the Mid­wife toad or the yel­low bel­lied toad.

Because its sit­u­a­tion in the mid­dle of the wood, the vital con­di­tions are of a high humid­i­ty and fresh­ness, where only spe­cial adapt­ed species can live.

Rocks and walls are rep­re­sent­ing the liv­ing space of the Sand Lizard.

The Eurasian Eagle Owl nor­mal­ly nests in large cliff edges or rocky areas.

A nat­ur­al char­ac­ter­is­tic for rock for­ma­tions is the fact that young trees are all bend­ing to one side. At age how­ev­er they con­tin­ue to grow ver­ti­cal­ly, so that they all show lat­er on the typ­i­cal bend­ed trunk form.
