

Impor­tant build­ings in Senningerberg

Until approx­i­ma­tive­ly 1900, the vil­lage of Seninger­berg had very few inhab­i­tants (less than 100 with 22 dwellings and the 4 farms Höhen­hof, Parishof, Fran­zosen­grund and Mün­ster­hof. Short­ly after this date the con­stant growth of the pop­u­la­tion rate began and in 1982 the num­ber of inhab­i­tants had passed from 95 in 1900 to 1111 persons.



The old rail­way sta­tion of the sta­tion of Sen­nin­gen hard­ly before its demo­li­tion. Today the new water tow­er is here.

The con­struc­tion of the rail­way “Char­ly” had a very impor­tant role. The nar­row rail­way, active from 1904 until 1954 on the way between Lux­em­bourg City and Echter­nach facil­i­tat­ed con­sid­er­ably the con­nec­tion to Lux­em­bourg City for the inhab­i­tants. Sen­nin­gen had its own sta­tion, con­struct­ed at Senningerberg.


The Scham­bourg-Quar­ry, a local quar­ry pro­vid­ing the stone bricks for the con­struc­tion of the “Char­ly” railway.

Sen­ninger­berg devel­op­ing quick­ly around this rail­way and spread­ing its dwellings up to the old quar­ry “Grom­scheed”. Until the mid­dle of the 20th cen­tu­ry many oth­er quar­ries had been run in this area, feed­ing most of the population.


The old Scham­bourg prop­er­ty in the rue du Bois, reg­is­tered office of the Schambourg-Quarry.


In front of the demol­ished sta­tion stood the hotel-restau­rant “Sta­tion Sen­nin­gen”. Dur­ing decades this build­ing served for gas­tro­nom­ic use (Café Wiltz­ius, hotel-restau­rant Tonar).

After the shut-down of the “Char­ly” rail­way, the Sen­ni­gen sta­tion was demol­ished, but the old “Café de la Gare” could be pre­served until nowadays.

Anoth­er his­toric build­ing had been the inn “Stom­parm”, once in front of the old sta­tion and prob­a­bly the first house   of Senningerberg.


The growth of the vil­lage asked for new infra­struc­tures: old and new water tower.

The con­stant growth of the pop­u­la­tion at the begin­ning of the 20th cen­tu­ry asked for many mod­erni­sa­tion mea­sures. In 1916–17 a new water sup­ply net had been installed and one year lat­er the old water tow­er was con­struct­ed. Lat­er, on the site of the demol­ished rail­way sta­tion and rails the SEBES installed the new water con­duits and built the new water tow­er called “mush­room” because of its shape.

The Loret­to Chapel


The Loret­to Chapel, built in 1947 had been trans­formed into a mul­ti­func­tion­al pub­lic com­mu­ni­ty cen­tre in 2001.

The Loret­to Chapel, sym­bol of ener­gy and com­mit­ment of the inhab­i­tants, was con­struct­ed in 1947 under the man­age­ment of the local priest Mis­ter Jos Biw­er. This small house of God got a real lit­tle bell tow­er, a beau­ti­ful front side ornat­ed with the sand­stone bricks of the old wash­ing well. The lit­tle bell had been offered by Mis­ter Lucien Lam­ort had been the for­mer bell of the Sen­nin­gen paper fac­to­ry. On the 12 octo­ber 1947, the chapel “Notre Dame de Loret­to” had been con­se­crat­ed to the patron saint of the avi­a­tors and flight pas­sen­gers. In 2001 the chapel was trans­formed into a mul­ti­func­tion­al pub­lic pub­lic com­mu­ni­ty centre.

There is anoth­er old chapel in the rue des Romains, con­se­crat­ed to the Madon­na. It had been con­struct­ed in 1911 in a neo-goth­ic style by Mis­ter Nico­las Adam.


The old school house, inau­gu­rat­ed in 1958 today servers as a kindergarden.

The old school of Sen­ninger­berg, built in 1958 at the right side of the Loret­to Chapel is worth a vis­it. It had been used until the new school cen­tre “Am Sand” had been finished.
The old rail­way sta­tion in Sen­nin­gen short­ly before its demo­li­tion. Today the water tow­er occu­pies this site.
